The Old Guard
The Old Guard, starring Charlize Theron has been released on Netflix!
The movie features a score written by Volker Bertelmann and Dustin O’Halloran that was recorded by SinfoniaNord under strange circumstances in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown.
SinfoniaNord was at the time the only orchestra in the world able to perform during the Covid-19 outbreak. Extreme measures were taken to make sure the sessions could take place. The orchestra was divided into smaller sections to be able to comply to the rules set by the Icelandic government.
A maximum of 20 people were allowed into the hall at once, being 18 players, a conductor and our technician and a minimum distance of 2 meters was between every player. Everyone attending the sessions, both staff and players had to undergo a health check each morning before the session, hand sanitisers were available at all entrance and between each session the hall was cleaned and sterilised by a cleaning professional.
The end results were quite amazing, the strange orchestra layout required to be able to follow all the rules resulted in an a huge, wide sound that is very fitting to the epic score of the film!